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1st floor, Imm El Pacha, 67 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, Marrakech 40000, Morocco
28 May 2024

10 reasons why Morocco should be your 2024 holiday destination

Morocco should be top of your list when choosing a holiday destination for 2024. We've spent years exploring the wonders and hidden secrets of this great country, and now we'd like to share some of that knowledge with you.

The country in North Africa offers a journey filled with amazing culture and breathtaking scenery. From bustling markets to tranquil beaches, let's find out why Morocco is the destination of choice for your holiday this year.



Bahia Palace, Marrakech, Morocco

Moroccan culture is out of this world. Imagine strolling through the colourful markets of Marrakech, where different sights and smells assail you from every nook and cranny.

The grandiose Bahia Palace and the energy emanating from the Place Jemaa el-Fna bear witness to the history of this place.

You always get the impression that every journey is the start of a book, whether it's a pure escape into ancient dynasties or an adventure through vast landscapes.



Moroccan tagine and food on table

Moroccan cuisine delights all the senses. It combines refined spices with the right flavours. Tagine, couscous, pastilla - even the name says a lot about the place and its people.

But it's not just about getting your fill, it's also an unparalleled cultural experience. And, best of all, Moroccan streets have yet to be invaded by Western fast-food chains.



Dades Gorge mountain canyon Morocco

Like the culture, Morocco's landscapes are varied. There are golden sandy beaches at Essaouira and snow-capped white peaks scattered across the Atlas Mountains.

One day you're riding a camel in the desert, the next you're surfing the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

Fans of road trips will appreciate the journey from Marrakech to Agadir, where the panoramas are breathtakingly beautiful.



Dirt biking in Merzouga, Morocco

What's more, Morocco offers plenty of opportunities for both adrenalin-seekers and the more sedate. You can try kitesurfing, mountain biking, hot-air ballooning and just about anything else you like.

You can also visit local art exhibitions or simply relax with friendly people in an idyllic Moroccan garden.

There's never a shortage of amazing things to experience in Morocco!



Couple enjoying food in moroccan cafe

The people of Morocco are kind and welcoming. When they say "Welcome", they really mean it. Hospitality is not just an empty gesture, it's a way of life. You are treated as one of their own - at the highest level.

And when you leave, you don't just take memories with you; you take a part of Morocco with you, through the people you've met.


Shopping in the Souks and Medinas

Spices in Moroccan market

Would you like to discover Morocco without exploring its souks and medinas? That would be a serious mistake. These are not ordinary markets, but the heart of daily bustle and culture.

Imagine Marrakech and Fez, where you lose yourself in a maze of narrow streets, stumbling across shops selling silver trinkets, Berber rugs, colourful spices and freshly-picked fruit.

Here, we haggle? It's almost a sport. You have to get out there and haggle, and enjoy the comings and goings.

Moroccan markets are more than just a place to shop - they're an insight into Moroccan life... and you're sure to end up with some beautiful handmade jewels to remind you of your trip.


Artistic Heritage

Moroccan mosaic art

Morocco has a profound artistic heritage that reflects its complex history and diverse influences. Throughout the country, you can discover galleries and museums exhibiting everything from traditional Berber art to contemporary Moroccan paintings.

In cities like Casablanca, new art spaces and galleries are breathing new life into the art scene, promoting established and emerging Moroccan artists.

This cultural dynamism is the sign of a nation that has managed to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, making it a fascinating place for art lovers and cultural connoisseurs.


Historical landmarks

Volubilis, ancient Roman empire city in Morocco

The monuments of Moroccan national history will delight history buffs. The Roman ruins of Volubilis and the medieval city of Meknes are just some of the vestiges of Morocco's past.

Similarly, Casablanca's breathtaking Hassan II Mosque is not only the most magnificent mosque in the country, but in the world.

These historic sites are more than dead stones and structures: they are living testimonies to Morocco's glorious history.


Festivals and events

Berber drummers in morocco

The festivals scheduled in Morocco cover traditional music and dance as well as contemporary cinema. The Festival of Sacred Music du monde is an annual spiritual event held in Fez. Musicians from all over the world come together and play to the same rhythm, while retaining their distinct cultures and forms.

The Marrakech International Film Festival, held every December, showcases regional and foreign films. It's the best way to discover the world through the lens of Morocco and immerse yourself in the country's vibrant festival culture.


Accessibility and convenience

Marrakech airport

Finally, Morocco is also easy to get to. Several direct flights from Europe, the Middle East and, more recently, the United States and Canada, make getting there easier than you might think.

Domestic flights and an extensive rail network make it easy to get around a country barely larger than California.

As the country is also dedicated to developing tourism, wherever you go you'll find accommodation and facilities designed to make your stay even more wonderful.


In conclusion, Morocco doesn't offer you a holiday, but an adventure that becomes part of you. Morocco is a haven of peace surrounded by historic monuments, vibrant culture, breathtaking scenery, bustling markets and friendly people.

Explore ancient ruins, attend a festival or relax in a seaside town. Enjoy a holiday of understanding and joy. Make 2024 the year you visit Morocco. It's sure to be an exciting trip.

Discover some of our incredible holiday rentals in Morocco.
